Group Assignment

Members of Group:
  1. Ghina Rizqy C1L014020
  2. Larasati Nanda R. C1L014021
  3. Yuni Sofia M. C1L014036

Annual Report 2015 PT. Semen Padang is audited by Osman Bing Satrio & Eny, which is already listed as Registered Public Accounting. The auditor in charge is Muhammad Irfan. The opinion that issued by the external auditor is the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respect, the consolidated financial position of PT. Semen Padang and it’s subsidiaries as of December 31, 2015, and their consolidated financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standard.

Auditor also added some of emphasis of matter which is in 2015, P.T Semen Padang and it’s subsidiaries adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (PSAK 24). Employee benefits which have been applied respectively and the prior year corresponding figures have been restated, including the consolidated third statement of financial position as January 1, 2014/December 31, 3013. And their opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.

Our conclusion is because of the financial statement that represent by the company are true and fairly, so the auditor can give the unqualified opinion, which means all the matter of the company performance is good and based on the laws and regulation. We know that if the internal control of the company have a good performance, so the financial statement of the company also reflect good also with a good performance of company’s internal control.

Annual Report 2015 PT. Semen Padang


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