Ghina Rizqy
Analytical procedure is an analysis over transactions as comparisons, and tendency to use statistical approaches. One example of analytical procedure is common-size financial statement.
Common-Size Financial Statement
It is a company financial statement that displays all items as percentages of a common base figure. This type of financial statement allows for easy analysis between companies or between time periods of a company.
There are types of common-size financial statement:
- common-size balance sheet
- common-size income statement
Common-Size Analysis
We need common-size financial statement to help us answer several questions such as:
- how much revenue did the company book in order to achieve those earnings?
- how much did the company earn last year?
- how much did competitors of a similar size earn?
For better comparison, the net income figures can be expressed as a percentage of the sales revenues of each company (comparison between 2 companies). This can prevent the misleading because each company has different size. Common-size analysis also helps us to calculate the expenses as a percentage of revenue.
- Material cost has increased by 6%.
- Income from others has initiated this year.
- PBDIT has decreased by 3% because of increases in material cost.
- Proportion of share capital has reduced.
- Investments has increased drastically.
- Unsecured loans has a significant change of 9%.
- Cash and bank balance has increased.
- Total asset have increased because of the increase in investments.
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